Temperature and Load Consumption Forecast in Smart Building on Foundation IoT by ARIMA Algorithm

  • Phi Chi Do Cao Thang Technical College (CTTC), Ho Chi Minh City Elactrical Engineering Assciation (HEEA)
  • Phuoc Pham Duy Cao Thang Technical College, Vietnam
  • Bao Doan Thanh Quy Nhon University, Vietnam
  • Hieu Vu Trung Taiwan at Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (STUST)


The paper presents the application of Internet of thing (IoT) in managing smart buildings and a proposal to study some of the functions, applications of building management system (BMS) in monitoring, controlling and using electricity effectively for high-rise buildings. Currently, high-rise buildings consume about 33% of global electricity. Managing energy consumption in the buildings is very important when the demand for electricity is increasing. Existing building management systems have high costs and reveal many weaknesses in data collection. Therefore, using the ARIMAX algorithm for predicts temperature, humidity and the amount of electricity that will be consumed in building which helps operators always plan to prepare the necessary energy source for the building, ensuring the electric energy is always provided fully, continuously and effectively


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How to Cite
DO, Phi Chi et al. Temperature and Load Consumption Forecast in Smart Building on Foundation IoT by ARIMA Algorithm. Journal of Science and Technology: Issue on Information and Communications Technology, [S.l.], v. 17, n. 12.2, p. 55-60, dec. 2019. ISSN 1859-1531. Available at: <http://ict.jst.udn.vn/index.php/jst/article/view/87>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.31130/ict-ud.2019.87.