• Nghiem Van Tinh Thai Nguyen University of Technoloy - Thai Nguyen University
  • Nguyen Cong Dieu Thang Long University, HaNoi, Vietnam


There are many approaches to improve the forecasted accuracy of model based on fuzzy time series such as: determining the optimal interval length, establishing fuzzy logic relationship groups, similarity measures, …wherein, the length of intervals is a factor that greatly affects forecasting results in fuzzy time series model. In this paper, a new forecasting model based on combining the fuzzy time series (FTS) and K-mean clustering algorithm with three computational methods, K-means clustering technique, the time - variant fuzzy logical relationship groups and defuzzification forecasting rules, is presented. Firstly, we apply the K-mean clustering algorithm to divide the historical data into clusters and tune them into intervals with proper lengths. Then, based on the new intervals obtained, the proposed method is used to fuzzify all the historical data and create the time -variant fuzzy logical relationship groups based on the new concept of time – variant fuzzy logical relationship group. Finally, Calculate the forecasted output value by the improved defuzzification technique in the stage of defuzzification. To evaluate performance of the proposed model, two numerical data sets are utilized to illustrate the proposed method and compare the forecasting accuracy with existing methods. The results show that the proposed model gets a higher average forecasting accuracy rate to forecast the Taiwan futures exchange (TAIFEX) and enrollments of the University of Alabama than the existing methods based on the first – order and high-order fuzzy time series.


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How to Cite
TINH, Nghiem Van; CONG DIEU, Nguyen. IMPROVING THE FORECASTED ACCURACY OF MODEL BASED ON FUZZY TIME SERIES AND K-MEANS CLUSTERING. Journal of Science and Technology: Issue on Information and Communications Technology, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. 46-55, dec. 2017. ISSN 1859-1531. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025. doi: