Reconstruction of Low Degree B-spline Surfaces with Arbitrary Topology Using Inverse Subdivision Scheme

  • Nga Le-Thi-Thu Quynhon University, Vietnam
  • Khoi Nguyen-Tan Danang University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
  • Thuy Nguyen-Thanh VNU University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam


Multivariate B-spline surfaces over triangular parametric domain have many interesting properties in the construction of smooth free-form surfaces. This paper introduces a novel approach to reconstruct triangular B-splines from a set of data points using inverse subdivision scheme. Our proposed method consists of two major steps. First, a control polyhedron of the triangular B-spline surface is created by applying the inverse subdivision scheme on an initial triangular mesh. Second, all control points of this B-spline surface, as well as knotclouds of its parametric domain are iteratively adjusted locally by a simple geometric fitting algorithm to increase the accuracy of the obtained B-spline. The reconstructed B-spline having the low degree along with arbitrary topology is interpolative to most of the given data points after some fitting steps without solving any linear system. Some concrete experimental examples are also provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Results show that this approach is simple, fast, flexible and can be successfully applied to a variety of surface shapes.


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How to Cite
LE-THI-THU, Nga; NGUYEN-TAN, Khoi; NGUYEN-THANH, Thuy. Reconstruction of Low Degree B-spline Surfaces with Arbitrary Topology Using Inverse Subdivision Scheme. Journal of Science and Technology: Issue on Information and Communications Technology, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 82-88, mar. 2017. ISSN 1859-1531. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025. doi: