Development of the Monitoring Program for an Integrated Small-Scale Wind and Solar Systems based on IoT Technology

  • Dinh-Nhon Truong Hochiminh City University of Technology and Education
  • Mi-Sa Nguyen Thi Hochiminh City University of Technology and Education, Vietnam
  • Van-Thuyen Ngo Hochiminh City University of Technology and Education, Vietnam
  • An-Quoc Hoang Hochiminh City University of Technology and Education, Vietnam


For monitoring the energy supply from the hybrid small-scale wind turbine generator (WTG) and rooftop solar Photovoltage (PV) systems, this paper presents the design of a management program of the studied system based on the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. The proposed studied system consists of digital power meters that communicate wirelessly to the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) through the ZigBee communication standard. By using a free cloud platform will greatly facilitate the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) interface design work for a Human Machine Interface (HMI) or mobile phone. This system configuration may be easy to be fitted for collecting electrical information such as voltage, current, power, frequency of the system to be monitored. This is one of the cheap solutions deployed in small-scale hybrid power systems (HPS) or factories because wireless communication is very convenient in construction and installation.


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How to Cite
TRUONG, Dinh-Nhon et al. Development of the Monitoring Program for an Integrated Small-Scale Wind and Solar Systems based on IoT Technology. Journal of Science and Technology: Issue on Information and Communications Technology, [S.l.], v. 19, n. 12.2, p. 26-31, dec. 2021. ISSN 1859-1531. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 16 jan. 2025. doi: